Before submitting a membership application it is required that you read our Constitution and ByLaws revised 2-7-23.
The success of the club is dependent upon the participation of it’s members. Therefore, as stated in the Constitution (Revised 7/11/2015) Article III, paragraph 5 and 5a, the following are requirements of membership:
5. Members must attend a total of, or any combination of, four (4) club meetings, work parties, or club hosted invitational shoots each calendar year, excepting those members who obtained a life membership prior to May 1, 2002.
5a. A member not participating pursuant to Article 5 will no longer be considered a Member in good standing. Membership renewal may be rejected. Reinstatement will be determined by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Membership applications and insurance waivers (for both Cougar Mountain Archers and Sierra Pacific Industries) MUST be submitted in person at a monthly meeting or other club function. Please check the latest online newsletter for meeting times and locations or call Julie Clawson, Treasurer, for more information 530-228-0416.